1.4 billion awaits entrepreneurs

1.4 billion awaits entrepreneurs

The National Center for Research and Development has announced two competitions under the program „fast track”. This is the next edition of the highly popular program. NCRD will provide one billion zlotys to small and medium-sized companies and 400 millionów for large entitiesów.

The program is popular primarily because the formalities are reduced to the necessary minimum. An additional advantage is the quick decision on funding.

– The NCRD's fast-track, qualitative criteria-based procedure for granting support is a mechanism thatóry gives entrepreneurs a chance for an incredible developmentój – móThe project is financed with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. – PLN 1.4 billion is the sum to support domestic companies wanting to create innovative solutions. We are not afraid to invest in ambitious projects – On the contrary, we encourage entrepreneursóin to report projectów, whichóre will change the face of the economy – emphasized Gowin.

Thanks to support from the program „fast track”, entrepreneurs work m.in. The company is working on a prototype of a tomograph for biomedical applications and to support research into cancer therapies, a novel multi-sensor parking system, an innovative technology for manufacturing a new generation of material for use in displays and thin-film photovoltaic cells, or a technology for multiplying comóTreg rec to produce vaccine to treat type 1 diabetes at industrial scale – reads the NCRD website.

– „Fast track” is a unique support mechanism in Europe, whichóry combines a rapid process of project selectionów with key quality criteria for the pace of economic development. By introducing more facilities at the application stageów we unburden entrepreneursów, hoping to get them even more involved in innovative activities. This is because we are looking for innovative projectsów that are well embedded in the development strategy of companies based on R&D work, and not those thatóre are submitted just to get a grant – mówił prof. Maciej Chorowski, director of NCRD.

Program „Fast track” is implemented under sub-measure 1.1.1 „Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises”. It is financed from the fundsóin the Operational Program Intelligent Developmentój. More information on the NCRD website.