Siberian phenomenon. More than 7,000 methane bubbles have been located

Siberian phenomenon. More than 7,000 methane bubbles have been located

Reports of mysterious craters in Siberia have been heard for a few years now. Dozens of similar holes in the ground have been located so far. The craters are rósize, the largest being up to 30 metersóin diameter and 60 metersóin depth. Some of them are filled with water, and someóre merged to form lakes.

Researchers suspect that methane explosions are the cause of these distinctive holes. Scientists found on the póNorth of Siberia more than seven thousand peculiar methane bubbles in the ground. Gas trapped just beneath the soil creates surface bulges. Earth behaves like jelly. The gas-filled bubbles are extremely dangerous. They could explode at any time.

Methane bubbles are discovered on PóJamaican island and on the PóGydan Island. – A bubble appears at first. Over time, the bladder explodes releasing gas. In this wayób giant funnels are being created – said Alexei Titovsky, head of Jamaica’s Department of Science and Innovation.

Methane bubbles form due to warming climate. High temperatures cause permafrost to melt. This one in turn releases methane accumulated over thousands of years, whichóry looking for an escape route creates characteristic bubbles. When it comes into contact with oxygen an explosion occurs. This can be seen from the scattered wokół edge of the funnelóin the ground.

Melting permafrost is no small concern for climatologistsów. It releases methane deposits accumulated over the years, whichóry is one of the most potent gasesóin greenhouse gases, making an already bad situation worse. It is estimated that gas depositsóIn the greenhouse trapped in permafrost are równe the one thatóre currently in the atmosphere.

Currently, on the póThe north of Siberia is home to several teams ofóin research, so we can expect more abundant information on this subject soon.